

A little about me: I work in eduction and live in California's Bay Area, and I'm a native of Sonoma County. I started blogging about food a couple years ago, after I started a gluten-free diet for medical reasons. I've never been formally diagnosed with Celiac's (though my mom has) but came to the conclusion through elimination diets, trial and error, and lots of stomach aches. I'm also lactose intolerant, though I can eat most dairy with the help of lactase pills (but you'll never catch me drinking milk, shudder).

It's a familiar story: I started having digestive problems off and on in my teens, and then serious issues in my early twenties. My mom was told to start a gluten-free diet after being diagnosed with some of the long-term effects of Celiac's - it was finally a Chiropractor who noticed the inflammation in her joints, oddly enough - and after some prodding, I finally started one of my own. It wasn't easy, but once I realized how much better I felt and saw the improvement in my overall appearance I was sold.

My first true "food blog," glutenfreedreaming.com (also http://glutenfreedreaming.blogspot.com), was mainly devoted to recipes I adapted without using gluten or dairy; however, as I finished grad school and started working full-time I realized I had less and less time to bake and write at length about recipes. As I am always on a quest to find gluten-free options in the world that don't consist solely of salad, I decided to start Feeding Freely.

What you'll find here: a guide to finding gluten-free options when dining out in San Francisco and Northern California, product reviews, and general tips.

Long live the Gluten-Free life!

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