Friday, March 29, 2013

Dining Out: Gluten-Free Scones at The Plant

The Plant Cafe Organic is a pretty standard fixture in San Francisco; they have several locations throughout the city that are tasty enough to keep folks lining up for their organic pastries, juices, and creative entrees. They offer vegan and gluten-free options daily, including some very tempting items that wink out from the counter display.

I have a pretty standard Friday routine that involves stopping for some sort of baked breakfast good - if I can get it - and I've frequented The Plant a few times in the past weeks. They are conveniently located right by my work in the Financial District.

Though they offer more than one option for breakfast, including gluten-free oatmeal and granola bowls, I've been going for their vegan and gf scones. Every week they've had a different variety; so far I've had blueberry, currant, strawberry banana (my favorite), and cherry-almond (pictured above). Each one has had a slightly different texture, which proves that all gluten-free food is not uniform nor boring.

The Plant is a little pricey (around $3.50 per scone) but nothing out of the ordinary for those of us who eat in SF on a regular basis, and considering how hard it can be to find an actual gluten-free option around here, it's a welcome sight. They also label which items are gf or vegan so you don't need to ask - they aren't, however, a completely gluten-free facility, so keep that in mind.

Overall, a wise breakfast choice!

The Plant Cafe Organic

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